How to Work with The Elderly Once You Have Your Medical Assistant Certification In NY

How to Work with The Elderly Once You Have Your Medical Assistant Certification In NY

How to Work with The Elderly Once You Have Your Medical Assistant Certification In NY

After you get your medical assistant certification in NY, you’ll be facing plenty of real-world challenges – and we want to help. The elderly can, in some situations, be among the most challenging of patients you may have to deal with. At the least, they usually require a little extra time and attention.

Giving them great service is the mark of a great medical assistant, and it can also help your clinic succeed! Here are a few tips…

Five Tips for Working with Elderly Patients as A Medical Assistant

Be patient

Things will tend to go a bit slower when helping elderly people, and that’s just how things are. Getting frustrated or trying to rush them will only make things worse, not better. Be patient and let them go at their own pace.

Maintain eye contact

In general, maintaining eye contact with patients is a good way to keep them on track and moving along. This is particularly true of older people. If it seems like they’re having trouble paying attention, do what you can to stay in their line of sight and maintain that eye contact.

Be a good listener

Again, this is good practice for any medical assistant, but it can be important when working with the elderly. They generally expect to be listened to and don’t like repeating themselves. Plus, you can avoid delays by always paying attention.

Talk a little more slowly

People today, particularly those under 30, tend to talk much more rapidly than used to be common. Older people tend to talk more slowly simply because that’s how they were raised. If you mirror this, they’ll have an easier time understanding you.

Be prepared to explain processes and procedures

Older people aren’t as comfortable looking up information for themselves, compared to the younger generations. They’ll be looking to you for explanations of what’s happening, and what procedures they have coming up. Be ready and willing to answer all their questions – that’s just part of providing great service.

Get Your Medical Assistant Certification in NY at WSDA!

Westchester School for Dental Assistant is a licensed medical and dental assistant school which can help you find a great new career in the medical field. Our medical assistant program offers 630 hours of in-class instruction covering patient care, clinical and administrative matters. Our program also includes 270 hours of externship work experience. Our content outline can be browsed on our downloadable course catalog. Medical assistants are well-paid, work fair hours, and have plenty of opportunities for administrative advancement. We have both day and evening classes – contact us to learn more!

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