Factors to Consider Before Choosing A Medical Assistant School In New York

Factors to Consider Before Choosing A Medical Assistant School In New York

Factors to Consider Before Choosing A Medical Assistant School In New York

More and more people today are considering a move into the field of medical assistance.  Becoming a licensed medical assistant requires much less training than becoming a registered nurse or MD – making it an excellent and affordable way to start a career in the medical industry.  Plus, right now there is demand across the field for more workers in doctors\’ offices and hospitals; you are looking at an easy job search once your training and certification are finished.

In short, it\’s a great time to attend a medical assistant school in New York!

However, it\’s not quite that simple.  There are several medical assistant schools in New York, and not all of them are going to necessarily be right for your needs.  As with any educational decision, you should do plenty of research and make some phone calls before you select a school.

What are the most important elements to focus on?  These are our suggestions.

Six Critical Factors When Choosing A New York Medical Assistant School

1 – Is medical assistance the right field for me?

Not everyone is going to make a good medical assistant.  Some of the most important traits include:

  • A strong work ethic and attention to detail
  • People skills, for working with patients and explaining procedures to them
  • Being comfortable handling blood and other bodily fluid samples
  • A steady hand, as drawing blood can be part of the job
  • Typical clerical office skills such as answering phone calls, scheduling appointments, working with databases and handling paperwork

In particular, if you have problems with blood or needles, being a medical assistant may not be right for you.  Think carefully; this is a big commitment!

2 – What training programs are available nearby?            

There are plenty of training programs in the area; merely googling \”medical assistant training in New York\” isn\’t going to be useful.  You want to drill down and look for a certified program and school that is close enough to you that commuting to the school for a few months won\’t be an issue.

3 – Costs, and whether they offer tuition aid

Attending medical assistant training is much less expensive than getting a full medical degree – but there still will be costs involved.  Be sure to thoroughly research each school\’s fees, as well as whether there are any options for financial aid.

Also, keep in mind, this is a \”you get what you pay for\” situation.  Cut-rate schools may not offer comprehensive training or may lack vital post-graduation services.

4 – The time commitment

New York state doesn\’t actually require certification to work as a medical assistant, so the length of time required for training may vary from school to school.  Typically, it\’s about one year, but be sure to look into the details and think about how you\’ll be able to make it work.

Likewise, look into when and how classes are conducted.  Will you be able to carry a job on the side while attending class?  Look for a training school that fits your lifestyle.

In some cases, online classes may be an option, at least for the classroom work.  Not all NY medical assistant schools offer online classes, but these can be perfect for someone who\’s trying to get their training in between other life obligations.

5 – Is there hands-on training?

Many aspects of medical assistance can be mostly taught in the classroom, particularly the clerical aspects such as scheduling and billing.  However, training in other elements – such as drawing blood – need to be done in person.  Not all schools offer this sort of hands-on training, which is another reason you don\’t want to attend the cheapest school you can find.

Additionally, clinical experience or actual job-site training will make you far more marketable when you\’re searching for a job post-certification.

6 – Getting a job after your training

If at all possible, look for a medical assistant school that offers job search services to graduates.  Many of the best schools have contacts within the industry and can help you find a job once your training is complete.  They may offer other assistance as well, such as mock interviews to improve your job search.

That said, don\’t rely entirely on the school – nobody can guarantee job placement.  You should be proactively looking at doctor\’s offices, hospitals, and clinics in your area for good application prospects.  You might even want to talk to them before finishing your training, to see if they\’d be willing to pick you up as soon as you\’re done.

The Westchester School for Medical and Dental Assistants Helps Make Your Dreams Happen

We are one of New York\’s leading medical assistant training schools, and we specialize in helping people make the switch into the medical industry.  Our program includes real world experience, complete with an externship. Our placement rate for successful certified medical assistant candidates exceeds 85% within 30 days. If you want improved job prospects, or just want to be part of this highly rewarding and stable profession, contact us to learn more!

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