Ability to Benefit at WSMDA

Are you interested in attending WSMDA but don’t have a High School Diploma or GED?
There is another option called Ability to Benefit or ATB. The Higher Education Act (HEA) includes a provision to support workforce training by allowing individuals without a high school diploma or GED to qualify for federal financial aid for postsecondary education when they participate in an eligible career pathway program (ECPP).
You can enroll in an ECPP (eligible career pathway program) offered at WSMDA coupled with a GED (General Education Requirement) preparation course or be enrolled in a HS program, leading to a HS diploma.
The school must adhere to the U. S. Department of Education, the accrediting council, and the state agency guidelines.
For student enrolled in a Title IV eligible program, federal financial aid may be available as well.
ATB enable thousands of students to pursue postsecondary education and training needed for careers in high-demand occupations at either community colleges or trade schools. You’ll need to pass the approved test referenced below. WSMDA will assist you in scheduling the test.
Recently, over 80,000 students have taken advantage of ATB each year. ATB is essentially an additional qualifier for post-secondary education that can also enable federal grant financial aid for students without a high school diploma or GED.
The successful applicant must be 17 years or older. Applicants without a HS diploma or GED will have the option to enroll by successfully taking/passing the ACCUPLACER ATB exam approved by Dept. of Education.
I want Answers!
Note: Individuals interested in Ability to Benefit should also consider completing FAFSA application online at fafsa.ed.gov
Contact Dario Rosario in Admissions or Lori Farrior in Financial Aid to find out more.
Fill out our student inquiry form or contact us at (914) 682-9001 to find out more about Ability to Benefit at WSMDA.