So, You Want to Become a Medical Assistant – But What Type?

So, You Want to Become a Medical Assistant – But What Type?

This is an exciting time to become a medical assistant! With all the employment turmoil of the last few years, all types of medical practices are desperate for workers. It is a true labor market, and attending a medical assistant training school in New Yorkprovides a fast and straightforward way to enter the field.

Medical assistants require far less training and certification than other patient-facing roles such as nurses and doctors, making it a great way to get into medicine without spending years of your life (and hundreds of thousands of dollars) in school.

However, there are many different types of medical assistants, and you will want to have some idea of what sort of focus you want. Having some specialization can help you find jobs, as well as making the job more interesting to you.

These are some of the many specialties you could choose when you become a medical assistant!

What You Can Do as A Medical Assistant

Regardless of the specialty you choose, there are certain roles that any medical assistant will provide. You will be working to prepare patients for appointments, discussing their histories, and gathering information for the doctor such as taking their vitals. There is also an administrative component, as you willbe checking patients in, answering the phone, scheduling appointments, and managing paperwork.

Beyond that, however, there is a wide range of specialties you could focus on, depending on your own interests.

  1. Cardiology

Cardiology is medicine of the heart and blood vessels and is one of the most common – and sorely needed – fields in medicine. This can be one of the more hands-on specialties because you will often be helping with cardiac stress tests, as well as preparing patients for tests such as EKGs and cardiac imaging.

Attention to detail is even more important here than in many specialties since you will be recording precise numbers for blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration rate, and so forth. Detail-oriented people will excel!

  1. Dermatology

Dermatology deals with conditions of the skin, as well as nails and hair. You will be taking a lot of tissue and fluid samples in this role. However, dermatology is also a frequent component of many types of aesthetic procedures. Having a dermatology focus could help you get a job at a ‘plastic surgery’ practice!

  1. Endocrinology

The endocrine system covers all a body’s glands and hormones and has many crossovers with immune diseases and related ailments such as diabetes. Being a medical assistant for an endocrinologist will involve helping with thyroid function tests and blood sugar testing/management. Endocrine problems are also chronic, so you will be spending a lot of time helping answer questions and explain patients’ treatment to them.

  1. Obstetrics

Obstetrics focuses on maternity: pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery. Very often, obstetricians will also provide gynecology services, often provided at an OB/GYN clinic. This is a female-focused field, and although medical assistants of both genders are welcome, you will need to be extremely comfortable dealing with the reproductive system and matters related to it.

On the other hand, you may even get to assist in childbirth!

  1. Pediatrics

If you like working with children, pediatrics is the field for you. In terms of the job, it issimilar to most other basic medical assistant specialties. The real focus is on being genuinely good at talking and working with children, as well as being able to work with nervous parents at the same time.

If you get to work at a smaller clinic with stable patient lists, you will be able to watch your patients grow and develop over the years.

  1. Gerontology

At the other end of the age spectrum, gerontology focuses on the health and care of elderly people. As our retiree population continues to increase, there will be plenty of demand for gerontology specialists. This can also be one of the most emotionally rewarding fields sinceyou will often work with the same patients for lengthy periods and be able to form bonds with them.

If working with the elderly is a particular interest for you, this would also be a good specialty for getting work at nursing homes or retirement communities, which frequently have on-site medical facilities.

  1. Gastroenterology

Gastroenterology deals with everything related to the digestive system. You will be working to help diagnose and treat stomach and gastrointestinal tract (intestines) issues. We won’t lie, this one can be a messy job, but the difficulty of the work also means demand is even higher for those who can stomach it.

  1. Oncology

Oncology is the study and care for patients with cancer. You would be helping with testing and treatments like chemotherapy. Also, there is more administrative work dealing with the insurance claims relating to cancer treatment. This field is extremely challenging but can also be emotionally draining. Even more than in other medical fields, your job will often involve delivering sad news to people, while still trying to keep their spirits up.

  1. Podiatry

A more niche field, podiatry focuses on issues with the feet and ankle. A lot of sports medicine falls into this category, as well as working with people with disabilities or mobility issues. It isa nichefield,andit is always looking for new workers.

  1. Orthopedics

Orthopedics is all about the bones and skeleton, both fixing breaks, as well as dealing with more severe deformities. Like podiatry, this is another field that frequently crosses over with sports medicine. It is also one of the more physical specialties since you will often be assisting with physical tests or even rehabilitation.

Westchester School for Medical and Dental Assistants

No matter your interests, the Westchester School for Medical and Dental Assistants is here to help you fulfill your dreams! We are one of the top medical assistant training schools in New York, and we offer classes year-round.

Contact us to learn more or inquire about admissions policies.